Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Con’s of Long Hair

The Con’s of Long Hair

The Con’s of Long Hair - Summer 2009 Long Hairstyles Edition

There are arguments for both sides of the coin for the long hair versus short hair debate. Although there are many advantages to having long hair such as the more options for styling and other such things, there are also a number of con’s that must be considered as well and this will bring you to the final conclusion of whether long or short hair is better for you.

Karolína Kurková Czech Supermodel With Beautiful Long Hair

karolina-kurkova-blonde-supermodelKarolina Kurkova

First of all, long hair is much harder to clean than short hair. The weight of the hair itself, being longer will mean that cleaning it properly can be nearly impossible and therefore long hair will often get greasier quickly. As well as this, it will take a much longer time to wash, condition and rinse long hair than it would with short hair which makes it an impossible choice for people with busy lifestyles such as working women or those that have children to look after.

Karolína Kurková Czech Supermodel With Beautiful Long Hair

Karolina Kurkovajtm-033326

As well as the time taken to wash and dry long hair, the styling time will take longer as well. Because there is more hair, things such as straightening the hair using heated irons will take longer as is the same for curling the hair as the hair will usually need longer in position to make sure that they style stays. As well as this, because the hair is so much longer, more regular trims will be called for which means that the price of maintenance in the hairdressers and also for various hair products will be greater.

Pictures by PR PHOTOS

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