Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The History of Long Hair

The History of Long Hair

The History of Long Hair - Summer 2009 Long Hair Edition

Long hair has always considered to be a very feminine feature throughout the years of history. Cultures in Asia consider long hair to be beautiful and this used to be the case for most cultures but recently, new and short styles and cuts have come into fashion which has meant that the whole hair length debate has changed dramatically.

Beautiful Long Hairstyles


Once upon a time, short hair on a woman was considered to be a sign of rebellion as such and the thought of going against the usual culture to prove a point or to make a statement. For many years, short hair was considered to be a stereotypical look for lesbians although this has recently been brushed aside as a cliché and not politically correct for people to state.

Beautiful Blond Hairstyle


If you look back in history and especially antique paintings from some of the world’s most famous artists, the women all generally have long hair and this is very much still considered to be the norm for so many different cultures around the world. However men have also had differing hair lengths across the years.

Beautiful Long Hairstyles


Victorian and Tudor times saw it to be very fashionable and in the Bible, it is said that many men went for very long periods of time without cutting off their locks as a sign of servitude to God. These days, men tend to go for shorter hairstyles but in countries such as Spain and Mexico, men still are often seen sporting long styles, usually tied back in a pony tail, characterized by Antonio Banderas in many of his films such as “Once upon a time in Mexico.”

Antonio Banderas Hair

Pictures by Stefie Jones

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