Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Simple Summer Hairstyles for Long Hair

Simple Summer Hairstyles for Long Hair

Simple Summer 2009 Hairstyles for Long Hair

Summer is soon to be on its way and with this brings the need for better hairstyles but ones that are simple and quick to do and also that suit the hot weather. Winter has made us hide out hair under hats or in pony tails to keep it out of the way but when spring and summer comes; it is time to let the hair down, quite literally!

Summer 2009 Simple Long Hairstyles

One of the simplest hairstyles that you can have with long hair is a simple ponytail. This is a great look for the beach or by the side of the pool but can also be jazzed up a little with a few accessories for an evening or more formal occasion. All that you will need for this look is a brush or a comb and a hair band and literally pull the hair away from the face and tie into place. You can leave a few tendrils hanging down at the front for a softer look and even bangs can be worn with this style.

Summer 2009 Simple Long Hairstyles

Arianne Zuker

Another simple style that will take a matter of minutes for long hair is a bun. This is basically the hair pulled back as if it were to be tied into a pony tail but then wound around the base of the tail and held in place either by grips or a hair band. Again, tendrils of hair can be left out with this, accessories can be added to it and the hair can also be spiked out a little from the hair band for a more edgy feel to it.

Summer 2009 Simple Long Hairstyles

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